Episode 108: Break Ups and Birthdays

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 26 April 2020


Episode 108 picks right up from 107 where we see Persephone metaphorically drowning in a wave of guilt in the aftermath of learning that Hades and Minthe have just broken up. When Hades returns, she immediately and candidly confronts him to ask if it’s true that Hades and Minthe have broken up. Hades looks guilty, admitting that he’d rather not talk about it on her birthday, but proceeds to answer her to confirm the breakup. Persephone feels guilty and asks if it was her fault, but Hades is quick to assure her that it isn’t. Persephone wants to ask more questions but opts against it and changes the subject, suddenly eager to fill out the bank account paperwork that Hades had returned with.

Soon after, the bank manager returns to collect the paperwork and asks for ID. When Persephone admits she has none, the manager attempts her standard due diligence but is intimidated by Hades and instead suggests that Hades become a guarantor on Persephone’s account. The scene ends when the bank manager cluelessly asks the two of them how long they’ve been together, much to their obvious chagrin. 

“A word to the wise…. don’t fuck with things you shouldn’t be fucking with.”


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The second half of the episode opens to a social media post of a pink flower nymph, Daphne, who is a model for the soft drink brand Pomegranate Zero. It shows a comment by Apollo that says “You spoil us.” After the panel, Hermes is shown coming home to the house he shares with Apollo, where Hermes teases him about Persephone loving the balloons. Hermes is playful, suggesting that Persephone doesn’t like Apollo, but Apollo seems insistent that they’re just having a fight and that she’ll come around. We see him use his phone to send a message to Daphne, but we’re not sure what it is exactly.

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The conversation is interrupted with a knock, which Apollo answers and finds Thanatos on the other side. Hermes is happy to see him, stating that he’s happy his offer to come over has finally been accepted, but Thanatos looks extremely guilty and worried. After the two play lots of video games, we finally see why Thanatos came over in the first place: to ask about Persephone, and specifically her name change from Kore. Hermes plays it cool, giving nothing away, until Thanatos admits that he’s been looking for documentation and records regarding the change.

At this, Hermes’ demeanor changes completely and he gives a very threatening warning to tell Thanatos “don’t f**k with things you shouldn’t be f**king with.” 

The episode ends with Thanatos leaving disheartened but Apollo stopping him and telling him to ask Helios to get dirt on Persephone, since he sees everything. Apollo offers to take Thanatos to Helios, stating he has similar motivations to take Persephone down a notch.



Episode 109: Road Trip


Episode 107: Special Treatment