PomegraNet | Lore Olympians (Lore Olympus Analysis, Theories, and other Fun Things)

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Episode 134: Maybe She’s Both

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 6 December 2020

Photo from Webtoons

As Hades and Hermes face off, Persephone interrupts and asks about her mother, then offers to turn herself in. Hermes declines and admits he’s in trouble for his own choices and leaves.

Hades says he has to go to work, and Persephone insists on going. He’s concerned about her keeping a low profile, but gets an idea. He tells her to change, and when he returns shows her his “cloak of invisibility” which can hide her from view.

Photo from Webtoons

Persephone has changed into a stunning green dress, and they get coffee on the way to the office.

Minthe and Thanatos argue inside Hades’ office. She insists that today is the day Hades will come back to her and shoves him out a window (Thanatos can fly, he’s okay).

When Hades enters, Persephone remains invisible. Minthe drops her coat and reveals skimpy lingerie.

She and Hades argue, as she is shocked he isn’t interested in her anymore, blaming it on Persephone.

“Let me get this straight, first Persephone’s too perfect for me? But now she’s too wrathful for me? Which is it? Maybe she’s both. Wouldn’t that be interesting?”


As Minthe storms away, Persephone takes off the cloak and they share a meaningful, loving look. Meanwhile, Thanatos sees her reveal from outside the window, saying,

“Hermes was right. She is his flavor. We’re in deep shit.”


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