Episode 142: Second Son

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 31 January 2021

Hera visits Hephaestus’ large office space at Underworld Corp. He has running blade prosthetic legs and a robotic, prosthetic left arm, towering over his mother’s small frame. Hephaestus seems willing to help and confident in his ability to remove the photos.

However, their interaction seems frayed. Hera speaks softly and carefully with him, saying he’s done well for himself, the family misses them, and that Hebe would love to meet him. This implies he hasn’t been home for at least 7-9 years. Hephaestus says he’ll think about meeting her and returns to his large, solitary office.

“I’m sorry, Aetna. We’re going to be looking at some unpleasant images today.”


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

episode 142
episode 142

He speaks more openly and freely with his Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistant, Aetna. She asks how the meeting went and he apologizes for the “unpleasant images” they’ll be seeing. He quickly asks Aetna to do a brief background on Persephone, including being seen “recently canoodling with the King of the Underworld” and quietly remarks, “Cool” when hearing she’s wanted for treason against his father, Zeus.

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Elsewhere in the Underworld, Persephone works quietly in Hades’ office. The phone rings, with Hera’s message saying the photos should be “resolved” soon. This visibly upsets her. She takes her phone into Hades’ side office and calls Artemis.

Artemis is excitedly waiting for her microwaved pizza when she sees an unknown number flash on her phone. Artemis offers to help Persephone and go with her to Zeus. Their conversation is short and she doesn’t reveal much, but she does make it clear she “hates” Apollo, is grateful for Artemis’ help, but doesn’t want to be around him anymore, and hangs up.

She turns to Hades and asks if he’ll take her shopping.



By Miss T and Scarlet



Episode 143: You Want It? You Got it.


Episode 141: Bad Duck