Episode 151: Dead Woman Walking (Part 3)

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 4 April 2021

Minthe and Thetis attends Daphne’s class at the Olympus gym, a fusion of yoga and positive manifestation. Daphne introduces Thanatos as her friend and guest photographer. This surprises both Minthe and Thetis, as they did not know Thanatos did photography.

Photo from Webtoons
Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

“The two of you have this whole, big plan that clearly isn’t working.”


Minthe has a horrible disposition, which is only further aggravated by the nymphs whispering behind her. When she yells at them, they told her they were simply discussing where they’ll have lunch.

However, one of the nymphs decided that she needs to know what’s going on between Hades and Persephone, as apparently, Minthe seems to be the only one who is in denial. They tell her about Hades and Persephone’s kiss in the shopping mall.

This upsets Minthe further and she spirals into denial. She starts to blame Hades for “blurring the lines” between them and making her feel like she “deserved better.”

“They’re wrong. They’re wrong. They’re wrong.”


Photo from Webtoons

Thanatos tells Minthe and Thetis that their plan isn’t working based on how he saw Hades and Persephone. He says they are pretty cozy. Thetis tells Minthe that perhaps they shouldn’t be seen together until things settle.

Presumably, sometime after, Minthe goes into the Underworld Corp. She overhears two daemons talk about Hades and Persephone again and that word on the street was that their kiss was “steamy.” She chastises herself by thinking they’re all wrong.

She sees Hades in his office, who invites her in to talk.




Episode 152: Green Thumb


Episode 150: Dead Woman Walking (Part 2)