Episode 160: Called Out

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 5 June 2021
Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Persephone opens up to Chiron about her childhood, insecurities, and fears. Chiron comments that she’s never had a patient present their background via whiteboard before. She also assures Persephone that they (her supporters) should also respect her choices as an adult.

During their talk, Persephone mentions experiencing feelings of sexual attraction. Chiron tells her that it’s very natural. They also talk about how Persephone is essentially a “bad decision-maker” because she’s concerned about disappointing others in every choice that she makes.

Chiron says that her personal worth is not measured that way, and that the reason she’s having a hard time making decisions is that she wants to please everyone. She gives her an exercise to try at home, asking her in an ideal situation, what would make her happy.

“Why should you be unhappy?”


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Apollo tries to talk to Zeus, attempting to manipulate him about his intention towards Persephone. Zeus says he’s surprised he keeps bringing it up and says Aphrodite is available. Zeus firmly says he hasn’t changed his mind. Frustrated, Apollo says that Persephone just a B-grade goddess and to just “let me have her.”

Zeus tells him he forgets his place. Shaking, Apollo then talks about Hades’ feelings towards Persephone. As he leaves, he says that his mother sends her regards.

Meanwhile, Hera asks Asclepius what caused her scars to open up. He replies that it’s too much stress. He prescribed her a lot of bed rest. Before he leaves, Hera warns him not to tell anyone. He visibly sweats as he walks away.

Zeus offers to walk him out. Asclepius looks uncomfortable as Zeus also warns him to keep the situation “on the down-low.” As he opens the door, they find Apollo with a gift basket.

Apollo thanks Asclepius for the “inside info” (implying that he told him about Hera’s scars). Asclepius hurriedly leaves.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons




Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.


Episode 161: Tether


Episode 159: Extra Baggage