Episode 170: Run For Your Life (Part 5)

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 28 August 2021
Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Ampelus (Psyche) and Eros kiss, and she panics and apologizes. She excuses herself and tells Eros she needs to collect her thoughts. While in distraught, she sees Artemis and Apollo nearby. They’re about to run into each other.

She decides to shoot Apollo with the arrow of hate to reveal his true nature to Artemis. Unfortunately, Artemis turns around at the last second, and Ampelus didn’t notice there was a flower nymph in front of Apollo.

Daphne is affected by the arrow and sees Apollo’s true nature. She collapses and sobs. Apollo, meanwhile, angrily goes towards Ampelus. The arrow slightly hits her when Apollo grabs her. He was stopped by Eros, who shot multiple arrows at his back. Ampelus is shoved towards the side as the arrow reveals her true nature, the mortal, Psyche.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

“I know what you did!”


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Eros sees Psyche and runs towards her, asking if she could ever forgive him. Apollo, on the other hand, goes to Daphne, who is still visibly distraught and crying. When Apollo tries to talk to her, she screams that she knows what he did. She bites him when he tries to touch her, and she runs away from him.

Psyche frantically tells Eros that she hit him with an arrow of hate and that a nymph saw him. Eros said that’s not good, as the arrows are designed for mortals and seeing the truth of an immortal being could be overwhelming. They decide to follow after Apollo and Daphne.




Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.


Episode 171: Run For Your Life (Part 6)


Episode 169: Run For Your Life (Part 4)