Episode 52: Going Down

Editors: Bekah Caden and Annie LaHue
Released: 31 March 2019
episode 52

Minthe drums her fingers on Hades’ chest and asks him if he saw the updates she made to his calendar. Persephone awkwardly hugs her baklava container to her chest. Hades replies, he’s had a very busy morning. Minthe fusses over his collar as she tells Hades to look at the calendar. But Hades barely recognizes her words. He looks at Persephone, who is turned away. He frowns.

Green nightshade sprouts on the side of Persephone’s hair. The elevator goes further down.

episode 52

Hermes and Thanatos appear. Hermes happily waves and greets Persephone. They enter the elevator.

Hermes looks over at Persephone and asks if she’s alright. Persephone gets startled. She awkwardly places her hand on her neck and explains it’s first day jitters. She offers her baklava to Hermes. Hermes gets excited.

Persephone says that she used Hestia’s baklava recipe but she made a few little alterations. She warns Hermes not to tell Hestia because “you know how she gets about that stuff.” Hermes happily munches on baklava and exclaims that they’re so good, he feels that Persephone has really outdone herself this time. Hades’ face hardens out of jealousy. The elevator further goes down. Thanatos tries to reach for baklava but Persephone closes the box away. But she changes her mind and offers him some.

The elevator reaches the 60th floor and opens again with a bing. Hecate appears with a paper in her hand and joins them in the elevator.

episode 52

Hades demands Persephone to explain. Persephone places her arms behind her and says that she knows how to drive. She just doesn’t have a license. Hades is still frowning.

He claims she can’t drive without a license. Persephone says how she could get in trouble with the King of the Underworld as her escort, as Hermes sneaks her baklava container and Persephone grabs a baklava. She places the baklava in Hades' pocket and pats it adoringly, saying that when he’s done being snippy, he can eat that.

episode 52

The elevator goes down and the light on the 96th floor goes on. Hades pulls away from Minthe and tells her, “Not at work please.” The elevator continues to go down. Hades shakes his head towards Persephone’s direction.

Minthe looks at Persephone with wide eyes and smirks. She grabs Hades’ chin as she tells Persephone, “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Startled, Persephone lets out a nervous chuckle. The elevator reaches the 88th floor.

episode 52

With a bing, the doors open on the 81st floor. Minthe exclaims, “That’s me.” Before leaving, she condescendingly compliments Persephone’s container. Then she bades goodbye to Hades and calls him big blue. Pleased with what happened, Minthe tosses her hair over her shoulders as she walks out onto the floor. Persephone and Hades look at each other. The elevator door closes and there is an awkwardness between them. Persephone taps on the side of her lips, signaling Hades. Surprised, Hades looks at his reflection in the mirror and wipes the smear of Minthe’s lipstick off his face. Persephone thinks that Hades was simply just humoring her before.

Her reflection in the mirror looks back at her with red eyes and white flowers on her hair. She calls herself a dumb village girl. 

She puts on a brave smile and tells Hades that he and Minthe make a beautiful couple. A drop of sweat trickles down Hades’ face. Hades, surprised, opens his mouth to speak. The elevator reaches the 71st floor and opens with a bing.

episode 52

While Hermes is still eating baklava, Hecate tells Persephone that she was going through her paperwork and she saw that Persephone hasn’t included a copy of her driver’s license. Persephone shrugs and tells her she doesn’t have one. Hades yells, surprising everyone in the elevator. Persephone’s eyes widen. Hades makes his way towards Persephone while she clings to Hecate’s arm. Thanatos asks how come Persephone got to drive his car when he won’t even let him touch the car. Hermes asks if this means he can borrow Hades’ car this afternoon. Hades glared at him.

episode 52

Hecate, Thanatos, and Hermes stand awkwardly as Hades and Persephone continue to argue. Hades further says that Persephone told him she was an excellent driver. Persephone says she may have fudged the truth a little, but that makes them even. Hades feels embarrassed. Suddenly, Hecate looks at her phone and realizes she double booked herself. She raises her eyebrow at Hades and asks him to guide Persephone through the rest of the tour.

Hades and Persephone both blush and look at Hecate.

The elevator reaches the 40th floor and the doors open with a bing.



Episode 53: The Tour


Episode 51: Distance