Episode 59: Whiplash

Editor: Annie LaHue
Released: 19 May 2019

Hades and Persephone stand in a corridor. Hades is kindly smiling at her after offering her help. Persephone hesitates and asks if he’s sure. Glowing butterflies start emerging from Persephone. Hades asks what she meant, and Persephone says that just that morning, Hades acted like he didn’t want to know her. Now he’s offering to help her in the drop of a dime. This startles Hades and he quickly deviates the conversation and offers to get her a new phone. He gestures towards an ad behind Persephone, and Hades mentions the model isn’t on the market yet. Persephone glances at the ad behind her and she shakes her head. She says that Hades doesn’t have to get her anything, she just doesn’t need the emotional whiplash.

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Photo from Webtoons

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Photo from Webtoons

“You don’t have to give me everything. I just don’t need the emotional whiplash.”


She says she’d like to know where she stands with him, much to Hades’ embarrassment. Then she confirms that they’re friends, to which Hades stammers and says yes. Persephone continues on and says that she gets since he’s her boss now, their dynamic has to change a little, but all Hades has to do is to let her know where his boundaries are. She leans back against the vending machine and says that she knows sometimes, she can be a little too friendly. Persephone explains that she is used to being affectionate while living in the mortal realm. She says that everyone is more conservative with their affection in Olympus, which is fine, but she’s still adjusting to it.

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Photo from Webtoons

episode 59

Hades’ eye twitches and he mutters that he literally has no idea why she would want to be there. Perspehone says that flower nymphs are nice, but if she has to participate in one more berry picking contest, she might kill somebody.

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Photo from Webtoons

Minthe stretches her back and frowns, thinking how much time does Hades need to show Persephone around. They should’ve been back. She panics at the thought of Persephone narking her out on sending her to Tower 4. She drops her head on the table. She knows Hades would be furious if he finds out. She ponders on calling Thetis to ask what she should do.

Then, someone sends her a message, asking to meet her in the Level 5 supply closet. Minthe leaves.

She checks the corridors for anyone before sneaking. The chapter ends with Thanatos and Minthe inside the supplies closet.


Hades inserts a coin in the vending machine and gets them both pomegranate sodas as Persephone tells him he doesn’t have to ice her out if he simply needs space. Hades hands her the soda to drink. He asks if he can ask her something. They both take a sip out of their sodas in silence, before Hades asks how Persephone ended up in Tower 4. Persephone hesitates.

The scene changes to Minthe. She is on the phone with a being, asking if they would like to reschedule their appointment with Hades. Minthe says she knows it’s the third time she’s moved it and then shrieks that something came up, out of frustration.

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Photo from Webtoons



Episode 60: That Nymph Over There


Episode 58: The Offer