Episode 68: Ma’am

Editor: Annie LaHue
Released: 21 July 2019
Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Aphrodite calls Persephone “mopey” and slams a hand on the table. Assessing her, Aphrodite guesses she has a crush on someone who is dating another, then guesses it’s Hades because she doesn’t know many men. Persephone is slowly sinking down in her seat. Eros and Aphrodite both darken in color slightly when they are scheming/guessing at something. 

“Nymphs do not take gods from us!”



When Aphrodite sees Persephone, says only, “Oh! It’s you” then ignores her and takes over cooking from Eros. Ampelus/Psyche follows her in, and Aphrodite tells her to get some sleep after “putting up with my nonsense all night.” Ludus wants her to draw him.

Eros asks his mother, “Did you see him?” Aphrodite says she couldn’t find him and is worried he’s been hurt after four months (identity unknown at this point). Eros tells her not to stress and that he gets hurt all the time.

“You! You’re bringing down the vibe with your mopey face.”


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Persephone denies her crush on Hades at first, and says she knows a butt-ton of men. However, Aphrodite kept giving her a knowing grin, and she gives in and admits it’s Hades. Aphrodite asks what’s the problem and suggests Persephone simply seduce him. Eros has a “brain wave” and paints a scenario where Persephone goes to his office after hours in a coat with nothing on underneath. 

Persephone tries to flee, but Aphrodite grows and leans over her, saying, “Nymphs do not take gods from us! Letting that nymph take something that you want is an embarrassment to our kind! Stop being so passive. It’s annoying! Now get out! And don’t tell anyone I was nice to you!”

Eros happily marches outside with Persephone and they fly off together. She thanks him and he calls himself “the pinnacle of emotional intelligence” before thanking her because he wants to find Psyche now.



Episode 69: Ghosted


Episode 67: Siblings