Episode 03: Who is She? (Part 2)

Editor: Bekah Caden
Released: 4 March 2018
Characters: Hades, Persephone, Zeus, Poseidon
Photofrom Webtoons

Photofrom Webtoons

Hades hastily puts on his glasses to get a better look. He asks how she had never met her before. Zeus explains that is because Demeter chose to raise Persephone in the mortal realm due to her disapproval of how Zeus runs things.

Hades’ heart beats loudly as he watched Persephone from afar. Zeus asks if he’s asking about “Pinky” and tells Hades that she is Persephone, Goddess of Spring.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons


Zeus mentions that he is surprised to see Persephone, as Demeter has always been protective of her. Hades mentions to his brothers that he thinks Persephone “puts Aphrodite to shame”, causing his brothers to laugh.

“Honestly, I think she puts Aphrodite to shame.”


Unfortunately for Hades, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, overhears this and is indignant. She texts her son, Eros (God of Love), who is in the midst of organizing an orgy, and orders him to get over to the party immediately.



  • Hades is short-sighted.

  • Zeus mentions Demeter not wanting to raise Persephone in Olympus because she thinks he is “morally corrupt.” It is later revealed that Zeus burned all of Demeter’s crops after she refused to hide his mistress. Additionally, Demeter is also trying to protect Persephone’s status as a fertility goddess from Zeus.

  • In mythology, Aphrodite has a history of being petty and jealous towards those who are compared to her in regards to beauty.



Episode 04: Who is She? (Part 3)


Episode 02: Who is She?