Does Persephone Have the Pomegranate?
The question that's shaking the fandom. Did Persephone take the pomegranate of her own will? Did Erebos gift it to her without her knowledge? There are plenty of reasons for her to want it, but plenty more for her to not make a secretive, impulsive decision like that.
What do you think?

Theory: Artemis and Her Wolf
Artemis said that “She can make a wolf tell her its deepest secrets”. Since wolf she adopted witnessed the last altercation between Apollo and Artemis, will she know more about her brother through her wolf?

What is Leto up to in the Underworld?
The last we saw Leto she mentioned paying a visit to the Underworld. What do you think she is up to in the Underworld?

The Meaning Behind “Little Bean”
Mel explores the possible implications of Persephons nickname, “Little Bean”

Zeus: Are you the father?
We asked the fandom their thoughts on the new hint that Apollo (and Artemis) may be Zeus’ children.

Theory: Pomegranates and the Gift of Food
Could these be thematic clues that Persephone is becoming more and more connected to the Underworld?

Theory: Persephone and Her Job as a Shade Coordinator
Will Persephone use information she gathers to defend herself in court?

New Character: Hephaestus
We finally meet the God of Fire and Forge! Here are some (many) of our thoughts about the Olympian.

Quick Hit Theories by AmbrosiaBee
Mel is back with some quick theories this time!

Question: Where is Demeter?
We asked our followers their theories regarding the whereabouts of the Barley Mother.

Theory: Persephone, the Bringer of Death (Closed!)
Now that the first season is over, let the theories come rolling in! There have been a lot of discussions about how Persephone’s “Act of Wrath” must’ve taken place and what consequences would come after. That being said, we gathered the most acknowledged theories across the fandom.

Theory: Hades’ Dream and the Fates Tape
The Fates-tape of Persephone’s and Hades’ first meeting and Hades’ dream have the same “quality”. Was it just a dream, or was it a vision of his future?

Where is Persephone? (Closed!)
Here are some of theories submitted and data analysis (because we’re nerds) of your Instagram story responses (with over 800 votes)

Theory: Hebe’s Sister
In Episode 30, Hera tells Hebe to go wake up her older sister. We have yet to meet Hebe’s older sister in Lore Olympus.

Theory: Hephaestus’ Appearance in Season Two (Case Closed!)
Will Hephaestus appear in Season 2? Will he play an important role?

Theory: Does Hestia Know Persephone is a Fertility Goddess?
What if Hestia knows Persephone is a fertility goddess?