Astrology Analysis: Persephone

By Shana

Sun: Aries

Moon: Pisces

Rising: Gemini

We’re starting off with one, if not arguably “the” main character of Lore Olympus—Persephone


With a birthday fittingly on the day of the Spring Equinox—true to the goddess of spring—she's going to be an Aries with a strong Pisces cusp.

Aries would make perfect sense for the Dread Queen, as Aries is known for their strong wills and fiery personalities. I’ve always seen Persephone as “chaotic good”, and the impulsiveness of the Aries sign only backs that up. 

Independence is very important to an Arien. They are passionate, brave, and competitive. Those in the Aries zodiac tend to be quick to put you in your place, and they won’t stand for being bullied. As the first sign in the zodiac, they are considered the “infants” of the zodiac— youthful, impatient, impulsive, and ambitious. 

Aries is symbolized as the ram, and that plays into their personality as well. Rams have horns, and so do Ariens— they will gladly bunt you, and push you back when you challenge them. They are social and motivated, but won’t blink an eye when it’s time to remind you that they are the alpha, and are in charge. 


I think that comes into play with her Pisces cusp (and her Pisces moon).

There’s a softer side of her that we see, and I’m a strong believer in cusps— you pick up traits of your neighboring sign when you tip-toe the edge of those dates. 

Since your moon is your “emotional” zodiac sign, the play between “fiery Aries sun” and “deep, emotional Pisces” are truly Dread Queen material. Her softer side— which we see often— could be explained by Piscean traits. 

Those under the Pisces sign feel like their emotions run deep, and they are pulled in different directions— like the currents of the ocean. They want to identify and empathize with those around them, and to gain an understanding of people. They tend to be sensitive— a natural thing for water signs— and they are touched by people’s suffering.

Also, they commonly are a little scattered— or sometimes, dreamers. They are idealists, and tend to be artists or creatives. Pisceans are also commonly selfless people, and give without expecting anything in return. 

I could see her entire personality being summed up as the battle of Persephone vs. Kore— or the battle between her natural Aries sun position and her moon in Pisces. When it comes to taking the throne inevitably, it would be entertaining to watch her during judgement proceedings. I’ve already established that I see her as chaotic good (and it’s important to note that I see Hades as lawful good)… so when it comes to her deciding the fate of a mortal, it would most likely be an internal battle between an impatient, no-nonsense Aries and an emotionally-raw Pisces who wants to empathize and see the best in everyone. 


Finally, let’s discuss her rising sign— also known as an ascendant sign. 

I originally thought that she had some Sagittarius energy— but quickly realized I was not on the money. If I were a betting woman, I’d put all my money on a rising Gemini.

Sure, I’m playing into the dual-personalities of the dread queen. But also, I’m not wrong!

Geminian energy is strong with Persephone. The sign is indicative of two different personalities— known as the Gemini twins— and you never really know which side you’re going to get at any given moment. There’s a clear “social” side to them, and an alternate “serious side”.  They also tend to be inquisitive and curious… some would even say restless. 

Rising Geminis can be intimating, because there’s so much to absorb when meeting them. Sometimes, they can be bubbly and cheerful— but at other times, they can be more witty (and less friendly), even erring on the side of brusque . This dual-personality keeps you on your toes, because you never know which side of them you’ll be talking to at that moment. In all honesty, both sides are truly part of who they are.

I also think that it plays perfectly into her background, because Geminians usually grow up as an “odd child”— intelligent and curious, but sometimes odd or quirky. They also put a lot of importance in their personal freedom, and I think that this is dead-on when it comes to describing what we know about Kore’s childhood with Demeter.

I believe these are the most likely combinations in her chart, and understanding the opposing traits in her personality help us better explain what creates her dynamic “Goddess of Spring”/“Dread Queen”duality in the Lore Olympus story.



Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.

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