Podcast Interview: Lore Olympod

Lore OlymPOD is a podcast by real-life friend duo Erin and Zoe.

They are two Lore Olympus fangirls with a lot of feelings, which makes their podcast a ton of fun. New episodes of Lore Olympod release every Monday.


Who is your favorite Lore Olympus character and why?

It is SO hard to choose! We’ve had MANY debates over this.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Zoey’s official answer is that her favorite character is Hecate because she’s such a badass bitch and Zoey wants to embody her spooky badassery, but if she’s actually being honest with herself, it’s probably Persephone. She’s relatable but also better and cooler than Zoey could ever be, and her whole thing about embodying so many dichotomies (cute & flowery vs. dangerous & powerful) makes her just SO iconic.

Erin’s favorite character is Hera because Erin stans a queen. She admires the way that Hera takes up as much space as possible in a room and doesn’t back down from a fight. She’s always angry af and hot as hell, and she’s unabashedly proud of the power she wields. She’s a complicated character, and a lovable one. She’s also the only character we have seen intuit that Apollo hurt Persephone and try to take action as a result, proving that her heart is in the right place, even if she can be petty at times (or a lot of the time).

We stan a powerful, angry, righteous queen.


How did you two get into podcasting? Why did you guys decide to do it together?

Erin has been obsessed with podcasts for a long time and secretly always harbored desires to be a podcaster. Zoey never even considered that hosting a podcast could be a thing, and was barely aware of podcasts existing. After we began obsessing over Lore Olympus, we would talk about it in the car on the way to work (because we both live and work together LOL that’s healthy) and we thought we were very funny. Then Erin out of the blue suggested we make a podcast called Lore OlymPOD (because puns) to share our totally valuable and useful opinions with the world and Zoey said, “Um, okay.” 


Tell us your Lore Olympus story. What got you into Lore Olympus? What made you stay?

Zoey got a targeted Facebook ad for Lore Olympus because Facebook knows she is a nerd. She obviously was immediately intrigued and proceeded to read all of Lore Olympus in three days. Then, feeling a gaping hole in her heart after she was all caught up and needing to discuss her new obsession, she said to Erin, “Hey, I have no other friends and I really need you to read this so I can talk to someone about it.” Then Erin also read the whole thing immediately and then we both annoyed everyone around us about it forever.


What's your favorite moment building your podcast brand?

Our favorite thing about building our podcast brand is that we don’t make a real effort to build an official brand!

This podcast is literally just us talking and saying stupid things about a comic we’re passionate about, and it’s neat that people like it!

We could not possibly care less about the things that make business and/or marketing sense because we are really not trying to work that hard. We’re just in it to make jokes about sex with cartoon characters.


Any advice for a new podcaster out there?

Wow, thank you for thinking we’re good enough to offer advice to anyone else! We’re honestly still figuring this out ourselves, but our biggest advice would be to just do it!

If you want to do it, do it. It doesn’t hurt to try!

We literally started by just recording voice memos on our phones in Erin’s bedroom (which is still where we record, but at least we have real mics now). But if you’re going to do it, do it because it’s fun. If you’re not having a good time and don’t feel strongly about what you’re doing, it’s not going to be good. So just do what you want!


Who did you guys get on our Hades' dog character quiz? And do you guys agree?

Erin agrees that Pomelia is adorable and so is she (heyyy), but she thinks that she is probably too much of a mess to be Pomelia. She feels like she is maybe more of a Russel at heart.

Zoëy loves Fudge and thinks she is a very special girl. Any creature that Hades is bathing is an automatic yes from her.

We LOVE this quiz. We were CRYING laughing over the question about “Where in the house is your favorite place?” because we could NOT decide between “Daddy’s Lap” and “Daddy’s Arms," so we just each took one. Because obviously the answer is ON TOP OF HADES 100% of the time.

Listen to Erin and Zoey’s adventures with LoreOlympod on

LoreOlymPOD Website


Apple Podcasts

Follow them on Instagram and Twitter, and consider supporting their Patreon as well.






Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.


Caitlin Chapell for the CBR.com: “Lore Olympus Improves Myths By Tackling Problematic Themes Head On”


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